Middle Eastern

(These include Bahrain, Cyprus, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Northern Cyprus, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Turkey, United Arab Emirates and Yemen)

The Middle East is also called the Near East, especially when talking about history. 18 separate countries make up this region. New York City, the first stop for millions of immigrants for more than a century, has the largest Arab population among U.S. cities, 69,985. The Detroit suburb of Dearborn, Michigan, where many Arabs first settled to work in the automobile industry, is next at 29,181.

Arab population in the United States:

  • California
  • New York
  • Michigan
  • New Jersey
  • Florida
  • 190,890
  • 120,370
  • 115,284
  • 71,770
  • 77,461